From: Joey
Date: 25 Jul 2004
Time: 06:13:07
Remote Name:
Hey Everyone! I have been trying to take advantage of the web design effects that Imageready CS has, but I am not sure hwo to compile it. I have a simple website layout that has been created in Photoshop CS, where everything that I want to have a MouseOver effect in a seperate Layer. I "Jump to Imageready" and add Layer Based Rollovers to the Layers that I want to be affected. When I am done, I Preview it in IE. It gives me a sample of the website as well as the source code to be added to my page. I save my website for a web (optimized. Then I add the source code that Imagready to FrontPage 2002, but none of the images appear (I ge tthe little white boxes with red X's thorugh them). Can you help me? Thanks, Joey